Jim Duff Music Blog

Growing up in Kentucky, Jim Duff counted the legends of traditional Country music as his heroes. Artists like Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and Townes Van Zandt made a huge impact on the young songwriter and helped shape his sound. He dreamt of a life performing. However, music was not his only talent and life took him in another direction for a while.

See Jim Duff bio for more...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thinking Of Taking Up Basic Guitar Lessons?

Are you thinking of taking up basic guitar lessons? If you are, you need to read on. There are a few things which I would like to bring up before you do so. These are just points that are good to know beforehand. By the end of this article I hope you will be better prepared for your lessons, so without further ado, let me get started. Different Types Of Guitars

One thing you need to remember is there are different types of guitars in the market. Before you sign up for basic guitar lessons, you need to consider which path you want to take. Let me elaborate on this. The bass guitar is meant for playing bass notes and low frequencies. Most of the time, bassists do not stand out in a band. There’s also the classical guitar which you find very prominently in Latin music. The classical guitar is best known for being a plucking instrument and I believe you may have heard of some really catchy riffs that have been played on the classical guitar before. Let us not forget the really popular lead guitar which provides the main riff in the song. That is probably the main reason why many people want to learn to play the guitar. Anyway, choose which style suits you best.

Learning Guitar Chords
Once you are familiar with the various notes on the guitar, you should be ready to learn the chords. As with most basic guitar lessons, there should be guitar chord lessons incorporated into them, and you should be able to learn them pretty easily. However if you are unable to grasp what was taught about the basic notes, you may want to review those lessons and practice on the notes first before you move on to chords.  As with many things in life, practice makes perfect, so don’t give up!

Try Playing A Full Song
When you are up for a challenge, why not try playing a full song? Keep the strumming simple though. You are just a beginner so you are not expected to play it like a pro. You can do this in your own free time, and if you are confident, you can even show your guitar trainer what you have managed to achieve during your free time. However, if you are unable to play a full song, do not fret. As I said, practice makes perfect. Why not try playing just a verse instead of the whole song?

With that, I hope you will be better prepared for basic guitar lessons. Have fun, and keep practicing. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Waylon Duff is offer guitar lessons at the Danville Blues Society. Please call and schedule your lesson today.  

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